My experience working with you feels like meditation with healing and loving energy. Every time we are together, my life shifts and transforms into a more beautiful place. You are one of God’s helpers sharing unconditional love within a safe environment. You are my guide to inner peace. Now when I hear your voice, I instantly open my heart to whatever needs releasing, needs nurturing or needs love. It feels like magic and a miracle all in one!
— Judy // 1:1 Distance Reiki
I can’t help but feel the deepest appreciation for you as a teacher and a light bringing human being. I’m so grateful for your gentle coaching and guidance through my process of learning Reiki, and generally awakening my own intuition. I find that you are always able to guide me to find the positive answer that I had myself all along. When I have come to you for healing, your reiki brings me deep peace, and can calm even the most persistent anxiety!
— Heather // 1:1 Distant Reiki & Reiki Training
I received a distance Reiki session from Lisa after my life had seemingly fell apart and it seemed like a great place to try and get the cobwebs out and get myself back on true north. I wasn’t sure what to expect going in as a first timer but was put at ease right away. With a small fear of the zoom aspect of the call, I could have my camera turned off during the session which helped my anxiety. I would compare the session to a deep, guided meditation. I was happy, sad, releasing, relaxing, all within our hour session. I was taken aback at Lisa and her ability to describe my different chakras and where I was potentially holding myself back. After the session I felt fearless, carefree and with a new set of eyes. I have been able to take some insights Lisa provided during our session and apply them in my everyday life as I navigate my “new normal”. You won’t regret your time with Lisa
— Amanda // Distance Reiki
My mom felt SO good. She was really lifted by your session and she was able to eat more foods today. I think you healed her soul, Lisa. She wasn’t as weepy today. She seemed so much stronger! We put her feet in the grass. She thanked you aloud at least 3 or 4 times.
— Mandy // In support of her Mother's transition to the other side
The light in grief workshop was the first time I had dipped my toes in this realm, and I wasn’t disappointed. Struggling with my own fresh grief, the timing was perfect, and I jumped on board. While I wasn’t sure what to expect, I learned about how grief can show up, some ways to open yourself up in order to be connected to your loved one, and above all that everyone’s story is different. I was thankful for this workshop during this time in my life, and has elevated me to a more spiritual place that has allowed a more holistic approach to living through my own grief – so much so it led me to take some Reiki from Lisa later the following year.
— Amanda // Light in Grief Gathering
I am surprised every time I meditate with you! I’m in awe of the physical sensations and light surrounding me. Every group meditation feels like it was custom created for me and what I need in that moment. I always feel lighter, grounded and more open to others and my world after a meditation. You have guided me into my heart space and I have uncovered hurts that I didn’t know existed!
— Judy // Virtual Group Sessions
I was hesitant to try a group class as I was worried that I might be affected by other people’s energy. I was surprised and delighted to find that the experience was nothing like that. It was as though you are alone with Lisa, but somehow not! You felt the gentle presence of others, but you can’t see or hear them. I also like hearing people’s questions at the end, I have definitely connected with others’ questions.
— Heather // Virtual Group Sessions
There are not enough words to describe Lisa and the profound experience of Reik through her gentle guidance. She is truly an angel who shares her light and I am forever grateful to have her in my life. I have enjoyed and found immense value in all aspects of my sessions. The healing has been surprising and impactful. On more than one occasion, I have had pain or a health issue that either resolved itself or was so much better after a session. Every session helps me to feel lighter and more in touch with my body, and with chronic illness that is a rarity. The intuitive guidance has brought me such peace. Every session feels like another puzzle piece of my own personal journey falling into place. I come out of each session more in touch with my feelings and with a deeper awareness of what worries and fears I can control and those I can let go of. Lisa’s connection to the spirits and angels around me is the most amazing gift which I carry with me long after each session. Being able to go back and read the words and insights from the cards she pulls at the end of each session, has been a very important tool in keeping me grounded from one session to another. The entire session is a gift and both a release and a renewal for my mind, my body and my spirit!
— Marcia // 1:1 Distant Reiki
I have participated in several group programs that Lisa offers, including Reiki 1, Light in Grief, And Grounded. Lisa holds incredible space for her clients. Her approach is soft but powerful. I have learned an immense amount from her but also been able to integrate all of her teaching into my life easily! And sometimes I use her classes as an excuse to just take time for myself and sit back and absorb and have time for myself. I am thankful to call Lisa my teacher. She is very wise and very warm and caring and it feels good to get to hold space with her through her offerings! Her distance reiki is powerful and she is always spot on and I definitely can feel it’s effects! And her playlists are always the best!
— Sierra // Virtual Group Sessions + Reiki Training
Since it was my first time experiencing Reiki, it naturally was a little nerve-racking. Working with you is immediately comforting — there is no weirdness, no woo-woo. It just is a practice that makes sense, makes me feel comfortable, and worked well for me. I felt comforted and at ease to explore this part of my mind/body connection and I felt safe sharing and being vulnerable about challenges.
— Kelli // 1:1 Distance Reiki
I had heard amazing stories about the healing powers of Reiki and wanted to try it but found it difficult to know how to find the right healer. I believe if you are open to what you need to receive, what you need will find its way to you. I firmly believe that I was meant to find Lisa and I am so grateful that I did. Lisa is an immensely talented and insightful healer. With her help I am healing old wounds and reestablishing my relationship with myself and the world around me. I feel blessed to have her gifts and intuition guiding me. Every session is a journey of discovery.
— Karen // Distance Reiki
I have had the pleasure of experiencing Reiki for the first time with you! I loved it. The energy and clarity I felt for weeks after the class was amazing. I felt a different confidence and light I had never felt before. Following the class I would continue to hear a song that was played in our session, Free Falling by Tom Petty. The song would come to me at the most random places and in moments that made me pause and be mindful of thoughts or feelings I was having at that very moment. I don’t think hearing this song when I did was a coincidence. Also, after doing your session I was moved by the card you drew for the group. The card was Don’t Dim to Fit in and I was touched by the reading that went along with it. I ended up ordering the cards and my first time using the cards, the first card drawn was, Don’t Dim to Fit in. The tears filled my eyes and I knew there was something bigger happening within and the universe/ angels were with me cheering me on! Thank you for sharing your beautiful gift and light with the me!
— Brittin // Virtual Group Session
you’ve been warm, gentle, insightful, safe, and a therapeutic force in my life.
— Sarah // 1:1 Distance Reiki
Lisa facilitates the most lovely healing Reiki session with Light and Grace. Her energy is pure and clean, and the insights she offered throughout our session were so helpful.

Most of all, I was able to restore balance within my relationships and I felt entirely calm post session.

Lisa is a gifted and intuitive healer with powerful hands and a beautiful heart!
— CC (Broadway Actress) // In person session
Since beginning to work with Lisa, I feel my intuition returning. I find it easier to tap into my own power and I am learning to trust myself again. I have returned to my creative self, and have realized how important it is to develop a practice around my spiritual and creative self.
— Kendall / Distance 1:1 & Group Sessions
I am enormously grateful for Lisa’s gifts and talents and how they were so present in my mini reading with her. The ability to guide and direct with a loving hand and her honest insights and guidance have been instrumental in redirecting my thoughts and reframing my perspective. Lisa was warm, generous and deeply connected - I am so happy I decided to move forward with a mini reading.
— Katie // Mini Reading
Loud and clear, no ambiguity in that pull!
— Heather // card spread
I started working with Lisa a year or so before the pandemic hit and I can’t help but think that my ability to handle the life changing adjustments with patience and grace was directly connected to her. She helped me unlock some deep seated fears around losing control and tapping into unresolved grief. When the pandemic hit, I had a new found ability to surrender to the uncertainty, go in flow with the universe and trust that the process was going to take care of me. She has also helped me revisit my inner child and rediscover what she likes, what makes her heart sing, what feels comforting to her, how best to take care of her. And something that she told me once which will stick with me forever is, “Leave room for magic”. I love that! It’s so easy for me to get caught up with what’s right in front of me, but there really is a whole other energy at work that’s so much bigger than we know.

I highly recommend Lisa. She’s gentle yet powerful and highly effective, kind, relatable, and in touch with people in a very authentic way. She listens and holds a very nurturing space for me to take on the journey of healing together. I have felt less alone in the world of grief with her in my life. I adore her and so admire and appreciate her talent.
— Caroline / In-person
I participated in the Mama Support group session, and it was just what my heart needed at that moment in my life. I’ve done Reiki before, but my experience with Lisa, even in a group setting, was truly wonderful in such a different way. She has a beautiful, calming energy that gave me so much peace during the session. She mentioned that as we moved through the session, there may be tears and to just let them flow. I didn’t expect to have such an emotional reaction, but I know that’s it’s exactly what I needed. Throughout the session, I felt safe and supported by Lisa. She is a truly gentle and wonderful soul.

Several years ago, I stumbled upon the quote below. I remember thinking how beautiful it was.

“My goal in life is to be one of those people who are just light. You see them and you suddenly feel so warm inside and all you want to do is hug them. And they look at you and smile with the warmest light in their eyes and you love them. You just want to be close to them and you hope some of their light transfers onto you.“

That quote describes the kind of person Lisa is. I am so glad to have met her through this. The Mama Support group was a beautiful, cleansing experience, and I am so grateful that I decided to sign up.
— Valerie // Virtual Group Session
I am not a very spiritual person. I believe in meditation and taking good care of my body. When something hurts, I turn to natural remedies - rest, vitamins, tea, fresh air. And it usually works. This time nothing was working. I had all the symptoms of the flu, but no flu - aches, fever, sensitive skin, persistent headaches, and terrible sleep. After a week of trying everything and symptoms only getting worse, I felt desperate, and something was telling me this wasn’t physical - because none of my physical remedies were working. I called Lisa on a whim and asked if she could help. “Of course”, she said, and an hour later I was lying on my bed, tears streaming down my face as she healed me from more than a thousand miles away. The relief was intense and undeniable. I felt a shift in my mindset halfway through the session, and afterwards when Lisa was describing her visions, the tears kept coming. Everything she said resonated, things I didn’t want to (or couldn’t) think about on my own, things that had been building up for months. The way she described what she saw was so calming, so full of love. I remember saying, it just felt so good to have someone take care of me for a change. I’m welling up with tears just thinking about it. I followed the advice she gave me from her visions, and my symptoms were nearly gone by the end of the day. Completely gone after two days. Never in my wildest dreams did I think reiki would be that effective, and I don’t know that it would have been if it were anyone else on the other end. Lisa is a gift. Ask anyone who meets her. She has changed my life in more ways than I can describe, and I am beyond grateful to be connected to her healing energy.
— Josie // Distance Reiki